We started our morning by sharing our favorite game to play. During Morning Meeting, each child had the chance to share their favorite game and to explain how to play the game. Many interesting ideas were shared! After art, we had special Thanksgiving Literacy Centers which focused on differences between "then" and "now" and a syllable sort with Thanksgiving-themed words. Look for these in your child's folder over the next couple of days..
We continued our math stations today where children really enjoyed tallying items around the room. We didn't complete the whole page and some children have chosen to bring home their sheets to continue counting and tallying at home. Feel free to support them and to help them remember the tally marks are in groups of five and, therefore, we count by fives when totaling our number of tallys.
We ended the day with Part One of our Thanksgiving project. We will finish these up tomorrow and send them home with all the Kindergarteners tomorrow. :-)
Please remember that tomorrow is a 12:00 dismissal for all children (no BASE or lunch served). Have a great Thanksgiving holiday!!
** I apologize that there aren't any pictures today-- my computer was not cooperating :-( I will continue to work on it....
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