The Kindergarteners enjoyed putting the Loker School Song in their poetry folders today! As we did this, we reviewed the sight words we have learned so far (me, the, a , and Loker School). The children loved singing together and reading the words that they recognized! During our math stations today, the Kindergarteners worked on adding one more and taking away one to a known pile and then knowing the total number of cubes all together. Ms Denneny led a group in "give one , take one", while I worked with a group working on the concept of more than and less than. Some children also had the chance to use the i-Pads to work on Symphony Math. We will continue these math stations on Thursday. We ended our day with Learning Centers where the children had fun using corks to make leaves on a fall tree, while others chose to use legos, play Candy Land or work together to "bake "something in Housekeeping.