We had a very busy morning, completing both our Literacy Stations and Math Stations for the week. The Kindergarteners continued to do a great job following the group plan and completing the task that is asked of them- at Literacy Stations this included competing a sort and also playing a rhyming house game. During math stations, the tasks included "Number School" on the i-pad, spilling and counting the beans, and determining how many cubes in one tower based on the other tower. Next week, we will have new math stations and new literacy stations with guided reading.
We spend the afternoon with our buddies. We made wind socks which helped us to determine the direction of the wind and whether it was even windy outside or not. The children worked with their 3rd Grade Buddy to design their wind sock, put it together with string and streamers and then use it outside. The Kindergarteners then answered our focus question of the day which was "what can a wind sock tell us about the weather?"
We spend the afternoon with our buddies. We made wind socks which helped us to determine the direction of the wind and whether it was even windy outside or not. The children worked with their 3rd Grade Buddy to design their wind sock, put it together with string and streamers and then use it outside. The Kindergarteners then answered our focus question of the day which was "what can a wind sock tell us about the weather?"