Today was another busy day at school. We started our morning by greeting 2 friends and then having children share at Morning Meeting. During Writer's Workshop, we reviewed the H brothers and brainstormed 3 different sentence starters for Elyse's Star Of The Week book.
During Learning Centers today, many children enjoyed playing with the legos and blocks. As is often the case, many also worked together at the Creativity Center making books and other amazing creations. Ask your child what he/she did at Learning Centers today!
During math, we went to the Computer Lab for Symphony Math During this time, Ms. Dennehy and I circulate to offer support, but many are working quite independently during this time. They are being guided to use the number line and the terms "part, part, whole" to figure out different math equations.
We ended our day with buddies. The 3rd graders and Kindergarteners worked on their board games which are nearly complete. It was so awesome to watch the relationships grow while the buddies work together to create something about which they feel proud. Ask your child about his/her game!
Have a fabulous weekend! We are continuing to collect recylables (specifially, milk/orange juice containers, egg cartons and tubes- feel free to send them in!
During Learning Centers today, many children enjoyed playing with the legos and blocks. As is often the case, many also worked together at the Creativity Center making books and other amazing creations. Ask your child what he/she did at Learning Centers today!
During math, we went to the Computer Lab for Symphony Math During this time, Ms. Dennehy and I circulate to offer support, but many are working quite independently during this time. They are being guided to use the number line and the terms "part, part, whole" to figure out different math equations.
We ended our day with buddies. The 3rd graders and Kindergarteners worked on their board games which are nearly complete. It was so awesome to watch the relationships grow while the buddies work together to create something about which they feel proud. Ask your child about his/her game!
Have a fabulous weekend! We are continuing to collect recylables (specifially, milk/orange juice containers, egg cartons and tubes- feel free to send them in!