Aside from an unplanned ending to our day, the children were very busy and energized today. We started our morning with shares at morning meeting. Each child also made an estimate of how many bugs were in our estimation bag, as we do every Friday morning, and we counted the bugs during morning meeting. We continued to review the concept of estimation being a best guess and that if your estimate makes sense, it is a good estimate.
We also had Math Shuffle this morning where the Kindegarteners worked with their groups to "get what they need" when thinking about comparing and counting. The children were very excited with their activities and all gave a "thumbs up" as they reflected on this time.
When we lost power this afternoon, we changed our plans (describing the power outage as a medium problem) and had choice time most of the afternoon. The KIndergarteners were thrilled to use their DEC day games, use magna tiles, and draw and create. We ended our day by reading Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.
We also had Math Shuffle this morning where the Kindegarteners worked with their groups to "get what they need" when thinking about comparing and counting. The children were very excited with their activities and all gave a "thumbs up" as they reflected on this time.
When we lost power this afternoon, we changed our plans (describing the power outage as a medium problem) and had choice time most of the afternoon. The KIndergarteners were thrilled to use their DEC day games, use magna tiles, and draw and create. We ended our day by reading Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.