We had a very busy day today! The Kindergarteners did a great job coming into the school as a group (we will do this for one more time on Tuesday, and then will have children go in in groups of two or three). The children explored math manipualtives when they arrived.
During Morning Meeting, I greeted each child, and reminded the children about the importance of a good handshake and eye contact. We then shared and created rules to help us have successful meetings. We will review these on Tuesdays. After this, we went over calendar and attendance.
During our Phonics time today, the Kindergarteners rotated through different stations- one had magnetic letters, one had lego letters, one had letter stamps, one had puzzle pieces, and the last station was letter beads. My goal is to encourage the Kindergarteners to explore so that when we start using the materials in a more structured way, they will be ready.
For math, we made a birthday graph. The children enjoyed using our markers (for the first time!) and then placing their birthday cake on our graph. We discovered that October has the most birthdays, while there are three months without any birthdays. We will have this in the hallway for you to check out!
We finished our day with Friday Fun, playing the game Headbands. We had lots of laughs as each child tried to figure out the picture on his/her headband. Looking forward to more fun on Tuesday!!
During Morning Meeting, I greeted each child, and reminded the children about the importance of a good handshake and eye contact. We then shared and created rules to help us have successful meetings. We will review these on Tuesdays. After this, we went over calendar and attendance.
During our Phonics time today, the Kindergarteners rotated through different stations- one had magnetic letters, one had lego letters, one had letter stamps, one had puzzle pieces, and the last station was letter beads. My goal is to encourage the Kindergarteners to explore so that when we start using the materials in a more structured way, they will be ready.
For math, we made a birthday graph. The children enjoyed using our markers (for the first time!) and then placing their birthday cake on our graph. We discovered that October has the most birthdays, while there are three months without any birthdays. We will have this in the hallway for you to check out!
We finished our day with Friday Fun, playing the game Headbands. We had lots of laughs as each child tried to figure out the picture on his/her headband. Looking forward to more fun on Tuesday!!