This week, the 2nd Graders continued their Opinion Writing and started to use their graphic organizers to write their letters. We will continue this next week. We are also working on our spelling and writing skills when writing our Friday letters, as well as our Monday journals. Thank you, again, for your support with your child's Friday letter. There is such excitement when reading the letters each week!
We had an interactive and fabulous learning opportunity on Thursday when the Acton Discovery Museum visited and presented a lesson on solids, liquids and gas. The 2nd Graders had the opportunity for hands-on learning as well observing experiments with dry ice and liquid nitrogen.
During math, we are continuing to focus on double digit addition and subtraction on the open number line. Next week, we will use the strategies learned to solve word problems.
Questions to Ask Your 2nd Grader:
We had an interactive and fabulous learning opportunity on Thursday when the Acton Discovery Museum visited and presented a lesson on solids, liquids and gas. The 2nd Graders had the opportunity for hands-on learning as well observing experiments with dry ice and liquid nitrogen.
During math, we are continuing to focus on double digit addition and subtraction on the open number line. Next week, we will use the strategies learned to solve word problems.
Questions to Ask Your 2nd Grader:
- What did you do with your buddy this week?
- What happened to the banana when it was placed in liquid nitrogen? Why? What can molecules do (expand and contract)?
- How do addition and subtraction symbols act as "speed bumps" when working on math?
- Which Robert Munsch book did you enjoy reading this week?
- Did you enjoy having the 8th Graders visit today? What did they help with in our classroom?