This morning we started learning about Serena, our Star of The Week. Serena did a great job sharing her poster and telling us facts about her we might not know just by looking at her. Tomorrow, we look forward to guessing Serena's clues....
During Fundations, we learned the sounds of the last letters in our alphabet - z-zebra z and qu-queen-qu. I reminded the Kindergarteners that a"q" and "u" stick together like glue. We then brainstormed words that begin with "z" and "q" and then learned how to properly write each letter.
During math today, the Kindergarteners worked in pairs to measure each other using non standard measurement. After predicting how many paperclips/cubes/rods their friend might be, they measured and were surprised at some of their results!
During Fundations, we learned the sounds of the last letters in our alphabet - z-zebra z and qu-queen-qu. I reminded the Kindergarteners that a"q" and "u" stick together like glue. We then brainstormed words that begin with "z" and "q" and then learned how to properly write each letter.
During math today, the Kindergarteners worked in pairs to measure each other using non standard measurement. After predicting how many paperclips/cubes/rods their friend might be, they measured and were surprised at some of their results!