There was a flurry (no pun intended!) of excitement as the Kindergarteners came in this morning, anticipating tomorrow's snow storm. It was a good opprotunity to talk about predicting, the days of the week, and the tough job of being a metereologist!
After this discussion, we transitioned into Writer's Workshop as the children shared about their weekends and planned their writing and drawing. I also continue to encourage each child to add a feeling word to describe their emotions- these ranged from happy, excited to bored and sad.
During math we focused on shapes and triangles today. The Kindergarteners sorted by curves and no-curves, as well as learned about shapes that are closed and shapes that are not closed. Some also had a chance to explore the number grid and discover patterns amond the numbers.
During Open Circle, we discussed the word YET. I introduced this word as a very powerful word because it allows us the time to learn something. We practiced sharing something that we can't do YET and really felt the power of this word. I encourage you to try this at home!
After this discussion, we transitioned into Writer's Workshop as the children shared about their weekends and planned their writing and drawing. I also continue to encourage each child to add a feeling word to describe their emotions- these ranged from happy, excited to bored and sad.
During math we focused on shapes and triangles today. The Kindergarteners sorted by curves and no-curves, as well as learned about shapes that are closed and shapes that are not closed. Some also had a chance to explore the number grid and discover patterns amond the numbers.
During Open Circle, we discussed the word YET. I introduced this word as a very powerful word because it allows us the time to learn something. We practiced sharing something that we can't do YET and really felt the power of this word. I encourage you to try this at home!