We started the morning with Brennan's grandmother joining us as our Mystery Reader. She read 2 different stories to us from The Pete the Cat collection. Thank you for joining us this morning!
For Writer's Workshop, we brainstormed different words we can use when writing other than "happy". The children came up with words such as "excited", "proud", and "loved". We continue to encourage them to write more and give as much detail as they can in their writing.We started lower case letter writing today during Handwriting. The class was very excited to learn lower case as we introduced "c" and "o".
We began learning about Eli, our Star of The Week, and adding information about Eli to our mind files. We look forward to guessing his clues tomorrow for his mystery bag.
During math , we continued our math stations from last week. We continue to focus on shapes and defining them by their features such as "straight lines", "curved lines", "angles", "corners" and "points". You can help reinforce these concepts by looking for shapes in the real world., such as rectangular tables, triangular signs, etc.
We ended our day reviewing expected vs. unexpected behavior. We then brainstormed ideas for our bucket- filling party! This will take place on Friday- more details to come soon!