It was a rainy day outside, but we had lots of sunshine inside room 1 :-). When sharing about our weekends, I asked the Kindergarteners to also share an emotion that they felt this weekend. We used our poster "Feelings" to help facilitate this discussion. I hope that as we talk about the way we feel, the Kindergartners will write about their feelings in their journals an other writings.
During Reader's Workshop today, we continued to talk about word ending such as "s", "ing" and "ed" as something to look for when reading. When seeing these "suffixes", I encouraged the children to cover them, while trying to sound out the rest of the word. During Writer's Workshop, I also introduced the concept of using an "s" to signify more than one when writing.
We started new math stations today! We are continuing to focus on 2-Dimensional and 3- Dimensional shapes. At the Lesson Station, Ms. Lepow helped us really understand "what makes a square a square" and we worked on tracing different combinations of shapes. At the Exploration Station, children made a design with pattern blocks, then copied it on to a GeoBoard. This was harder than it appeared! The Game Station played Quirkle, while the Review Station sorted 3-D and 2- D shapes. Ask your child what he/she did!
We ended our day with Open Circle, talking about our "smarts". We all have "smarts"- some we have grown a lot, while others we are still growing. We will continue this discussion on Friday. Ask your child about his/her smarts....I am interested to hear what he/she shares with you.
During Reader's Workshop today, we continued to talk about word ending such as "s", "ing" and "ed" as something to look for when reading. When seeing these "suffixes", I encouraged the children to cover them, while trying to sound out the rest of the word. During Writer's Workshop, I also introduced the concept of using an "s" to signify more than one when writing.
We started new math stations today! We are continuing to focus on 2-Dimensional and 3- Dimensional shapes. At the Lesson Station, Ms. Lepow helped us really understand "what makes a square a square" and we worked on tracing different combinations of shapes. At the Exploration Station, children made a design with pattern blocks, then copied it on to a GeoBoard. This was harder than it appeared! The Game Station played Quirkle, while the Review Station sorted 3-D and 2- D shapes. Ask your child what he/she did!
We ended our day with Open Circle, talking about our "smarts". We all have "smarts"- some we have grown a lot, while others we are still growing. We will continue this discussion on Friday. Ask your child about his/her smarts....I am interested to hear what he/she shares with you.