It was so wonderful to see all the Kindergarteners today! All had great stories to share about their week when not at school. The Kindergarteners did a super job writing about their memories in their journals today.
We started to learn about Eva, our Star of The Week today. Eva shared her poster and the Kindergarteners added a lot of great information to their mind files about Eva. We look forward to guessing your Mystery Items tomorrow, Eva!
During math, the Kindergarteners learned the game "Subtraction Bump". This game is similar to Addition Bump which we learned earlier this year, but focuses on subtraction, something that is a bit trickier for some.
We started to learn about Eva, our Star of The Week today. Eva shared her poster and the Kindergarteners added a lot of great information to their mind files about Eva. We look forward to guessing your Mystery Items tomorrow, Eva!
During math, the Kindergarteners learned the game "Subtraction Bump". This game is similar to Addition Bump which we learned earlier this year, but focuses on subtraction, something that is a bit trickier for some.