It was so great to be back in school and to hear the children's laughter and excitement about being back together! We started our morning with an opportunity for the children to share something that they did over the past week. From staying in Wayland and playing board games to traveling to Florida, China,and Mexico, it sounds like everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable week.
Before writing in our journals this morning, we reviewed all our letter chants and also went over our vowel chants, reminding the Kindergarteners that every word has a vowel. As usual, the children did a terrific job writing in their writing journals. Ms. Sontag, our reading specialist, even remarked about the quality of each child's work. Way to go!
During math today we started new math stations. We are focusing back on equations and challenging the Kindergartners to think about combinations to a specified number. At the lesson station, the children played "Build a Floor" where we worked on combinations to 6, while others worked on Part, Part, Whole and were asked to write 4 equations for each number group. An intense game of Uno was played at the Game Station, while others played roll and record with 2 dice, reinforcing our addition facts. Also, during math shuffle (know to us as Math RTI), we are reviewing how to compare numbers and how to figure out how much more or how much less.
During Open Circle, we talked about "consequential planning" and thinking about "what if " situations. We started with questions such as "What if people could fly" and "What if we were as small as ants?". We then talked about how such questions may be difficult to answer. However, we can ask "what if?" questions in school and with positive self -talk, positive things could happen! Questions such as "what if I tried to buy lunch?" "What if I asked _______ to play with me today?"
It was a great discussion and one that we will continue at our next Open Circle. It might also be a great dinner conversation.
Two announcements/requests:
Because of a scheduling conflict due to the PARCC testing, we will have art on Thursday this week instead of Tuesday.
We are also low on tissues.. Any donations would be welcome! Thank you in advance.
Before writing in our journals this morning, we reviewed all our letter chants and also went over our vowel chants, reminding the Kindergarteners that every word has a vowel. As usual, the children did a terrific job writing in their writing journals. Ms. Sontag, our reading specialist, even remarked about the quality of each child's work. Way to go!
During math today we started new math stations. We are focusing back on equations and challenging the Kindergartners to think about combinations to a specified number. At the lesson station, the children played "Build a Floor" where we worked on combinations to 6, while others worked on Part, Part, Whole and were asked to write 4 equations for each number group. An intense game of Uno was played at the Game Station, while others played roll and record with 2 dice, reinforcing our addition facts. Also, during math shuffle (know to us as Math RTI), we are reviewing how to compare numbers and how to figure out how much more or how much less.
During Open Circle, we talked about "consequential planning" and thinking about "what if " situations. We started with questions such as "What if people could fly" and "What if we were as small as ants?". We then talked about how such questions may be difficult to answer. However, we can ask "what if?" questions in school and with positive self -talk, positive things could happen! Questions such as "what if I tried to buy lunch?" "What if I asked _______ to play with me today?"
It was a great discussion and one that we will continue at our next Open Circle. It might also be a great dinner conversation.
Two announcements/requests:
Because of a scheduling conflict due to the PARCC testing, we will have art on Thursday this week instead of Tuesday.
We are also low on tissues.. Any donations would be welcome! Thank you in advance.