Today the Kindergarteners started their journal entry with a feeling word and the following sentence starter : I felt ______because. They all wrote at least 2, if not 3 sentences in their journals. Such progress has been made which makes me feel so proud of each child in our class!
During Fundations, we continued to segment and create words and I also taught the class the alphabet chant which was a lot of fun! We are focusing our time on the digraphs and medial vowels- something all the children continue to need practice and support, especially when writing.
We started to learn about Chloe, our Star of The Week. Chloe shared her poster and we look forward to guessing her clues tomorrow :-)
Ms. Lepow joined us for Math Stations today and played Grab Bag Subtraction with 2 groups of children. Ms Dennehy led her group in the activity called "The Cave Game" where children had to figure out the missing addend to make 10. Others explored with magna tiles and others continued to work on Symphony Math.
During Fundations, we continued to segment and create words and I also taught the class the alphabet chant which was a lot of fun! We are focusing our time on the digraphs and medial vowels- something all the children continue to need practice and support, especially when writing.
We started to learn about Chloe, our Star of The Week. Chloe shared her poster and we look forward to guessing her clues tomorrow :-)
Ms. Lepow joined us for Math Stations today and played Grab Bag Subtraction with 2 groups of children. Ms Dennehy led her group in the activity called "The Cave Game" where children had to figure out the missing addend to make 10. Others explored with magna tiles and others continued to work on Symphony Math.