We started learning about Alanni, our Star Of The Week today. Alanni did a great job sharing her poster as we added information to our mind files about Alanni. Alanni's mom also came and joined us as her Star Reader. Thank you for spending some time with us this morning! :-)
We also began new Literacy Stations this morning. Some children played a "Jet Harbor" game with Ms. Richlen which focused on reviewing vowel sounds, while others worked with me on fluent reading as we started doing some "Reader's Theatre" plays together. Others chose to either to a sort based on medial vowels or to write a short story. Also, others were independently reading, while some children worked on Lexia on the I-Pad.
During math, we looked a word problem as a class. In the problem, called "Five Crayons In All" the Kindergartners were challenged to think of different ways to represent the word problem.
We also began new Literacy Stations this morning. Some children played a "Jet Harbor" game with Ms. Richlen which focused on reviewing vowel sounds, while others worked with me on fluent reading as we started doing some "Reader's Theatre" plays together. Others chose to either to a sort based on medial vowels or to write a short story. Also, others were independently reading, while some children worked on Lexia on the I-Pad.
During math, we looked a word problem as a class. In the problem, called "Five Crayons In All" the Kindergartners were challenged to think of different ways to represent the word problem.