Happy May! We started our morning by looking at our May calendar and figuring out the important dates this month (birthdays , Mother's Day, and Memorial Day). We also did a "think, pair, share" about our weekends which led to to Writer's Workshop about our weekend. We reviewed "messy vs. neat" work and discussed the concept of taking pride in the work that we do and the fact that "slow and steady wins the race".
During Math Shuffle today, we continued to work on comparing and how many more and how many less. Next week, we will focus on addition and subtraction during this time. We started new math stations today. Ms. Lepow and Annabel's dad, Chris, joined us during this time. We worked on word problems as well as creating and solving addition and subtraction equations to show the same answer in as many ways as we could!
We started learning about Adajah, our Star of The Week, today. The children "opened" their mind files to learn more about Adajah. Tomorrow we look forward to guessing his clues for items that start with "A".
During Open Circle, we continued to discuss Consequential Thinking and linked the idea os "what if ..." to Rock Brain, making sure that Rock Brain doesn't stop us from trying new things!