The Kindergarteners started their day by writing down the name of a place (a noun) that they were this weekend. My hope was that this prompt would be a helpful way to start their writing during Writer's Workshop.
During Reader's Workshop, we read Alexander and The Wind Up Mouse and shared our predictions and text to text connections as we read. I also introduced the strategy of "chunky monkey" which encourages a reader to look for chunks of know words inside a bigger word. For example, when reading the word "example", a reader might see the word sound "ex" , the word "am" and then figure out the rest of the word.
We were also treated to a Japanese reading of LIttle Blue and Little Yellow by Julia and Elyse! The Kindergarteners found it pretty cool that this familiar book had been translated to Japanese! Thank you for sharing.
We also started new math stations today. Some children reviewed our grab-bag subtraction game which we started last week, while others played a math memory. I worked with children on "making six" with 2 or 3 addends. The KIndergarteners were asked to "prove " their equation with unifix cubes and then we wrote the equation.
During Reader's Workshop, we read Alexander and The Wind Up Mouse and shared our predictions and text to text connections as we read. I also introduced the strategy of "chunky monkey" which encourages a reader to look for chunks of know words inside a bigger word. For example, when reading the word "example", a reader might see the word sound "ex" , the word "am" and then figure out the rest of the word.
We were also treated to a Japanese reading of LIttle Blue and Little Yellow by Julia and Elyse! The Kindergarteners found it pretty cool that this familiar book had been translated to Japanese! Thank you for sharing.
We also started new math stations today. Some children reviewed our grab-bag subtraction game which we started last week, while others played a math memory. I worked with children on "making six" with 2 or 3 addends. The KIndergarteners were asked to "prove " their equation with unifix cubes and then we wrote the equation.