Wow! The energy was very high today so instead of a Go Noodle for indoor recess, we had an extra long choice time. This seemed to be just what the children needed and they made really good use of this time. We were then able to do some work and continue with the plans for the day:-)
During journal writing, we brainstormed ways to show what was "fun" about an activity rather than just saying that "it was fun". Aside from thinking that this was very funny, the children had some great thoughts and ideas for alternative ways to show that something was fun- such as "It was great when..." or "I enjoyed being with my family because...".
We also started learning about Dylan, our Star of The Week, today. Dylan did a great job sharing his poster and we added a lot of new information to our mind file about Dylan. We look forward to guessing your clues tomorrow, Dylan!
We started new math stations today, continuing to focus on equations, and specifically subtraction equations. Ms. Dennehy also played "Make 5 Bingo", helping the Kindergarteners become more and more fluent with facts within 5.