The Kindergarteners (and teachers) had a wonderful day celebrating friendship and kindness. We started our day by making book marks- these should hopefully be coming home with your child today! Then, as the children got ready for morning meeting, I told them who their "surprise friend" was for their day. Their job was to watch their friend all day and have some specific compliments to give them at the end of the day!! At the end of the day, the children did a beautiful job making their surprise friend a very meaningful card. I hope that your child shares his/her card with you.
Some other activities we did today included: playing "Person to Person", making matching mittens and making friendship bracelets.
The Kindergartener also had a great time playing Dr. Dodgeball in the gym with Mr. Jones. This was part of our PRIDE week, planned by Student Council.
Some other activities we did today included: playing "Person to Person", making matching mittens and making friendship bracelets.
The Kindergartener also had a great time playing Dr. Dodgeball in the gym with Mr. Jones. This was part of our PRIDE week, planned by Student Council.