This morning we continued to learn about each other families during morning meeting. If you have not yet sent in a picture of your family, please do so ASAP so your child can participate in this important class share. Thank you :-)
Ms. Pirelli joined us today and read The Group Plan. We discussed the important of following the group plan to help others have good thoughts about you. Also, following the Group Plan will help KIndergarteners learn about get the most out of their shcool day. To practice following the Group Plan, we played a fun game of "Follow the Leader".
We also were joined by Ms. Kaplan. an occupational therapist, who will be joining us for the next 6 weeks! Ms. Kaplan helped us learn how to distinguish our left hand from our right hand by doing a variety of songs and a painting activity with us. Please see the letter in your child's folder with more details about bilateral motor integration.
The Kindergarteners continue to enjoy reading the book Mrs. Wishy Washy! Today we clapped as we came across specific words and sounds. Our hope is that your child will begin to use these reading strategies as he/she listens to you read and will begin to feel comfortable guessing words within a picture book based on the picture or beginning sounds of a word.
Ms. Pirelli joined us today and read The Group Plan. We discussed the important of following the group plan to help others have good thoughts about you. Also, following the Group Plan will help KIndergarteners learn about get the most out of their shcool day. To practice following the Group Plan, we played a fun game of "Follow the Leader".
We also were joined by Ms. Kaplan. an occupational therapist, who will be joining us for the next 6 weeks! Ms. Kaplan helped us learn how to distinguish our left hand from our right hand by doing a variety of songs and a painting activity with us. Please see the letter in your child's folder with more details about bilateral motor integration.
The Kindergarteners continue to enjoy reading the book Mrs. Wishy Washy! Today we clapped as we came across specific words and sounds. Our hope is that your child will begin to use these reading strategies as he/she listens to you read and will begin to feel comfortable guessing words within a picture book based on the picture or beginning sounds of a word.