The Kindergarteners seemed very excited to be back in school, and were even more excited to find out their new seats and table groups. We will change the table groups every 4-6 weeks to promote new friendships, new "views" of the classroom, and to just change the dynamics of the groups. Ask your child what table he/she sits at and maybe with whom he/she is sitting!
We wrote in our Weekend journals today and I showed a page from a drawing book (called How To Draw People) to give a strategy to draw people. The Kindergarteners also attemped their "best guess spelling" and many are writing one or two sounds for each word in their journal.
We turned over our first letter today- the letter S for sizzling sausages. We then brainstormed words that begin with "S". The hand motion (fingers sizzling...) along with the chant seem to help many children remember the sounds of the letters. We will focus on words that begin with and end with S this week.
We finished up our math stations today and continued to focus on careful counting and seeing a smaller array within a larger array of boxes. We will continue to work on these strategies throughout the month.
We wrote in our Weekend journals today and I showed a page from a drawing book (called How To Draw People) to give a strategy to draw people. The Kindergarteners also attemped their "best guess spelling" and many are writing one or two sounds for each word in their journal.
We turned over our first letter today- the letter S for sizzling sausages. We then brainstormed words that begin with "S". The hand motion (fingers sizzling...) along with the chant seem to help many children remember the sounds of the letters. We will focus on words that begin with and end with S this week.
We finished up our math stations today and continued to focus on careful counting and seeing a smaller array within a larger array of boxes. We will continue to work on these strategies throughout the month.