We started our day with Mr. Jones explaining to us about the ALICE drill that we will be participating in tomorrow. He shared a slideshow explaining that we will evacuate the building when there is something or someone unsafe in the building. Mr. Jones compared this drill to a fire drill where we are just practicing what to do in case there was a real reason to leave the building.
During Fundations time, the Kindergarteners learned 2 new letters - p-pan-p and j-jug-j. We brainstormed words that begin with each of these letters.Next, we practiced writing both of these letters (which go to the worm line!) on white boards.
We started new math stations today. Children played "Stacks" with me where they "broke" a stick of unifix cubes and had to figure out who had more and who had less...and how many more /less. Others played "Grab, Count, and Compare", while others continued playing Top It and working on number writing on the i-Pads. We will continue these stations later in the week.
We ended our day with Sylvia's sister (and Room 1 Alum) joining us as Mystery Reader! Thank you, Sadie, for taking time out of your day to read to us!
During Fundations time, the Kindergarteners learned 2 new letters - p-pan-p and j-jug-j. We brainstormed words that begin with each of these letters.Next, we practiced writing both of these letters (which go to the worm line!) on white boards.
We started new math stations today. Children played "Stacks" with me where they "broke" a stick of unifix cubes and had to figure out who had more and who had less...and how many more /less. Others played "Grab, Count, and Compare", while others continued playing Top It and working on number writing on the i-Pads. We will continue these stations later in the week.
We ended our day with Sylvia's sister (and Room 1 Alum) joining us as Mystery Reader! Thank you, Sadie, for taking time out of your day to read to us!