RDuring Open Circle today we focused on waiting. Ms. Dennehy and I role played 4 different situations we have seen in the classroom which require children to wait (these included for help during math stations, waiting in line for the bathroom, waiting for help with a broken pencil and waiting to ask a question). We went over strategies that can make waiting easier- calm breathing, trying to solve the problem on your own, and/or asking a friend for help. While the class found our situations comical, we also hope that they heed the lesson that was taught.
During Fundations, we talked about sentence structure and wrote many words on our white boards. I explicitly told the class that even though we have Fundations time, we should always be thinking about how to correctly spell and write words - I hope this will impact their overall writing as we start doing more and more writing in the new year.
We continued with our math stations this afternoon. Thinking about taller and shorter and comparison language was a big focus of our time today. You can reinforce this at home by asking your child to compare the length of 2 different objects, or by having them find things in the house which are taller or shorter than they are.
We finished our day with Elyse's mom joining us as a Mystery Reader. Ms. O'Brien read the book Ribbit and Snowmen At Night .
Thank you for spending part of your day with us.
During Fundations, we talked about sentence structure and wrote many words on our white boards. I explicitly told the class that even though we have Fundations time, we should always be thinking about how to correctly spell and write words - I hope this will impact their overall writing as we start doing more and more writing in the new year.
We continued with our math stations this afternoon. Thinking about taller and shorter and comparison language was a big focus of our time today. You can reinforce this at home by asking your child to compare the length of 2 different objects, or by having them find things in the house which are taller or shorter than they are.
We finished our day with Elyse's mom joining us as a Mystery Reader. Ms. O'Brien read the book Ribbit and Snowmen At Night .
Thank you for spending part of your day with us.