Today we reviewed the difference between "tattling" and "telling" during our Open Circle. We brainstormed times when we have seen children tattle and then role-played how to solve the situation without tattling. The Kindergarteners did a great job problem solving and figuring out how to handle tricky situations- we look forward to seeing this transfer to real-life situations.
During Writer's Workshop, I introduced a checklist that the children will now use to figure out if they are really done with their stories. First, we brainstormed what they thought was expected and then we created a list. This seems to be very helpful and concrete - the children used the checklist today and shared that it was helpful to check off items to know if they were truly done- many found that they had work to still complete!
We finished our math stations which we started yesterday. The children worked hard to think about part, part, whole and to think about different ways to represent the number 10. Tomorrow, we will do an activity with peas and carrots to reinforce the concept of part-part-whole.
Mrs. Holmes joined us at the end of our day as our Mystery Reader. She read The Empty Pot. Thank you for spending time with us:-)
During Writer's Workshop, I introduced a checklist that the children will now use to figure out if they are really done with their stories. First, we brainstormed what they thought was expected and then we created a list. This seems to be very helpful and concrete - the children used the checklist today and shared that it was helpful to check off items to know if they were truly done- many found that they had work to still complete!
We finished our math stations which we started yesterday. The children worked hard to think about part, part, whole and to think about different ways to represent the number 10. Tomorrow, we will do an activity with peas and carrots to reinforce the concept of part-part-whole.
Mrs. Holmes joined us at the end of our day as our Mystery Reader. She read The Empty Pot. Thank you for spending time with us:-)