We started our morning by playing Four Corners during Morning Meeting. To play this game, I asked the children different questions (how many letters in your name, your favorite, season) and they had to go to a corner of the room that matched their answer. Children would then describe what they saw saying things such as "More people like summer than fall" or "Most children's last names have one syllable". During our reflection of the game, we realized that this game used our mathematical part of the brain to share our observations.
During Writer's Workshop , many children shared their books that they have finished. We also continued writing our stories- I also introduced "how-to" books to a small group of children- I will introduce these types of books to the whole group tomorrow.
During math, we finished our math stations. We also watched the song called "3D Shapes that I know" which you can access here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cg-Uc556-Q which quickly became a favrorite. As we continued to discuss names and attributes of 3 D shapes, this song helped children to remember the names.
We ended our day with Learning Centers. Many children played the game "Kids on Stage", while others used legos or K-Nex for building. Some Kindergarteners also spent time at the Creativity Center using the shape stencils which were introduced at Math Stations this week.
During Writer's Workshop , many children shared their books that they have finished. We also continued writing our stories- I also introduced "how-to" books to a small group of children- I will introduce these types of books to the whole group tomorrow.
During math, we finished our math stations. We also watched the song called "3D Shapes that I know" which you can access here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cg-Uc556-Q which quickly became a favrorite. As we continued to discuss names and attributes of 3 D shapes, this song helped children to remember the names.
We ended our day with Learning Centers. Many children played the game "Kids on Stage", while others used legos or K-Nex for building. Some Kindergarteners also spent time at the Creativity Center using the shape stencils which were introduced at Math Stations this week.