During Open Circle today, we talked about things we have said that are unkind or not said in a nice tone of voice. As we shared, I squeezed toothpaste out of a toothpaste tube. After we looked at the toothpaste that was on the plate, I explained that once something was out of the tube, it couldn't be put back in. This is what words are like- once we say something unkind, it's out and "can't be put away". I think the children understood the message and loved watching the toothpaste come out of the tube and the realization that it cant go back in.
We also resumed our Writer's Worskhop writing. Children either continued their stories , made covers for finished stories, or wrote new "How to" books. The Kindergarteners were very excited to resume their writing! The Kindergarteners worked for an hour! Wow! We then had time for children to share their finished books.
We also resumed our Writer's Worskhop writing. Children either continued their stories , made covers for finished stories, or wrote new "How to" books. The Kindergarteners were very excited to resume their writing! The Kindergarteners worked for an hour! Wow! We then had time for children to share their finished books.