Today we started to focus on what we are excited for this summer. During Open Circle each child shared one thing they are looking forward to and then we wrote about it on a beach ball which will be displayed tomorrow.
As a class, we wrote a letter to our friends at KBE at the Upham School in Wellesley thanking them for hosting us yesterday. We will send this letter with Ms. Bergeron to share with her class.
We also practiced for our special Open House tomorrow- we are looking forward to seeing you from 8:30-9:15!
As a class, we wrote a letter to our friends at KBE at the Upham School in Wellesley thanking them for hosting us yesterday. We will send this letter with Ms. Bergeron to share with her class.
We also practiced for our special Open House tomorrow- we are looking forward to seeing you from 8:30-9:15!