During Open Circle we talked about a new classroom expectation of "ask 3, then ask me". Ask 3 friends for help before you ask a teacher. The idea of this is to help our students gain more independence and to help them realize that their friends can help them solve the little problems they often ask us to help solve. This helped tremendously during literacy stations (simple problems were solved such as logging onto Lexia) and when putting on winter gear.
We drew our December self-portraits today! The children were fascinated as they watched Ms. Dennehy draw her own self portrait and took the lessons learned to their own work as they looked into a mirror and drew what they saw! There was a lot of pride taken during this time as the Kindergarteners worked hard.
We had a snowball fight during math! The KIndergarteners wrote a number on a paper, crumpled up their paper and threw their snowball. Then, a friend had to pick up a snowball and write the number that was one more. We did this numerous times and then did the same with one less. It was a great way to review this important concept.
We drew our December self-portraits today! The children were fascinated as they watched Ms. Dennehy draw her own self portrait and took the lessons learned to their own work as they looked into a mirror and drew what they saw! There was a lot of pride taken during this time as the Kindergarteners worked hard.
We had a snowball fight during math! The KIndergarteners wrote a number on a paper, crumpled up their paper and threw their snowball. Then, a friend had to pick up a snowball and write the number that was one more. We did this numerous times and then did the same with one less. It was a great way to review this important concept.