We started our morning with Daniel's father joining us as Star Reader. He read the book Press Here which was a great interactive book which the class enjoyed very much. Thank you for spending your time with us!
After reading Have Fun Molly Mou Mellon and noticing the beautiful illustrations in the book, the Kindergarteners drew their March self-portraits. We focused on drawing our eyes, eyebrows, and eyelashes today. Check out your child's self-portrait- they are on the wall labeled "Look At Me".
During math today, we went on a scavenger hunt around the school to look for objects in our world that are 3-dmensional. Ask your child what he/she found!
After reading Have Fun Molly Mou Mellon and noticing the beautiful illustrations in the book, the Kindergarteners drew their March self-portraits. We focused on drawing our eyes, eyebrows, and eyelashes today. Check out your child's self-portrait- they are on the wall labeled "Look At Me".
During math today, we went on a scavenger hunt around the school to look for objects in our world that are 3-dmensional. Ask your child what he/she found!