This morning we had a catch-up morning meeting, singing our sharing song. It was wonderful to hear about all the happenings, including house construction, baseball games. and the different outings the children have been enjoying. It is always helpful to know what's going on- we don't always have the necessary time to do this.
We continued thinking about our Reading Strategies during Reader's Workshop and the Kindergarteners enjoyed having time to independently read, as well as to meet with me in a guided reading group. Children are alternating between reading non-fiction and fiction books and making predictions and connections as they read.
We ended the day by learning the math game "Build a Floor". In this game, children are creating combinations of 8 as they work wtih a friend. We will play this game again during math stations next week.
We continued thinking about our Reading Strategies during Reader's Workshop and the Kindergarteners enjoyed having time to independently read, as well as to meet with me in a guided reading group. Children are alternating between reading non-fiction and fiction books and making predictions and connections as they read.
We ended the day by learning the math game "Build a Floor". In this game, children are creating combinations of 8 as they work wtih a friend. We will play this game again during math stations next week.